Is Vet School Right For You? My Experience

Is Vet School Right For You? My Experience

How did the Bow Tie Vet Guy get to his career today? Dr. Mike breaks down his experience in vet school as well as how to figure out if being a veterinarian is right for you. The Bow Tie Vet Guy explains what it takes to get in and what your options are in pet medicine.

Blue Skies by Silent Partner

#bowtievetguy #vlog #answers #career #veterinary experience


  1. xRea Games

    The woman-men ratio is pretty true, actually. I’m in a small animal management class in my HS right now, and there’s only 3 guys out of 18 students aha

  2. cupcake_ _

    what about veterinary technichian? thats what I’m looking into and want to know about it

  3. Olivia Lane

    Hi! I am 17 and am going to be graduating in December with an associates degree (of foreign language with a concentration in spanish). I think my most likely track would be going to a university for only two years, seeing as I already have two years of college under my belt. I would likely be only 20ish when applying to vet school but am so worried about how competitive it is. Can you give some insight as to what the steep the competition is?
    Thank you!

  4. John Carter

    Thanks this video helped but I want to be a vet doctor

  5. xerxes odchigue

    Is calculus involved here? Because I suck at math.

  6. Sophie loren

    Vet nurses can also do dental procedures such as cleaning and polishing teeth as well as record and monitor animals after anaesthetic and during recovery which during recovery is when they are most vulnerable. I aspire to become a vet nurse and work in my local practice☺️

  7. Sarah K

    I’m 12, but I’m pretty much sure that I’m going to be a vet. Getting good grades is going to be my biggest prob. 😐 I am really scared of just failing; animals is pretty much the only thing I’m good at, and not being able to be a vet would really, really bring down.
    There is a vet school a couple hours from where I live now, so I guess I lucked out on that!
    My question is, what are the prerequisites you need, to get in? I live on a farm, and I work with our cattle a lot; have set a couple broken legs, and even sown up a calf’s stomach with my dad and sis. I have three horses as well, and might specialize in equines.

  8. can't believe they didnt debut Samuel

    I want to work with animals so bad. I want to be a wild life rehabilitor but many say they don’t get paid, is basically hands on learning. I also had vet as a option but I’m scared that it will be too much and I’m not that good with science and I’m HORRIBLE at math. It just seems complicated. Is there any other jobs that work with animals that is worth going to college for??

  9. Emīlija Mariševa

    Actually this is one of the my career ideas, but there is one thing – right now I’m learn chemistry for two years, but my knowledge is awful. This is really what I want to do in my life, but there is another thing – in my country is really hard to earn money or find job in this profession. I want in my life to be close contact with nature, animals and stuff like that, maybe start my own business in animal breeding, so I think that vet profession could be very usefull. But in this is so much “but”. I’m really confused. 😟

  10. Kooky Kris

    I am terrible at math .like atrocious. But I’m fairly good at science. Being a vet is my dream. But in scared my math schools will hold me back. Any tips ?

  11. Kristen Powell

    The pre reqs are pretty killer. But I know it’ll be worth it.

  12. Chrissy Polans

    So a kangaroo could pay the vet bills

  13. kendra webster

    Hi right now im in college in a liberal arts major with a 3.0 can i still get in to vet school even if im not in a science major

  14. Layla Glez

    Ever since I could remember, I’ve always been fascinated with the idea of curing animals. I was never squeamish around blood and I’ve always had good analytical skills. I’ve maintained my grades and am currently going to one of the best high schools in Florida. Technically, I can make it to vet school if I put enough effort. However, I have one question that can’t be answered in books and, usually, online. I want to have a family someday and I want to continue pursuing my hobbies (flute playing and writing). If I become a veterinarian, how much of my social life/free time will I be giving up?
    Don’t get me wrong. I love animals and I’m a major geek when it comes to medicine/science, but I’m a family oriented person and I have life goals set outside of my professional life. So again, will I be able to spend time with my family and pursue my dream of being a vet?

  15. Naomi

    Hi, I have a question (although I guess anyone can answer it). I’m a student studying prenursing but I wouldn’t say it’s my passion. I’m taking it because nursing is the only field I’m most familiar with through my parents. However, recently I’ve become interested in a career as a veterinarian instead. Not simply because I love animals (who doesn’t?) but because I’m fascinated by them (their behavior, body structures/functions, etc.). *However* I’m not much of a pet owner. I grew up too poor to afford anything like dogs, cats, etc. I have bought the occasional goldfish or RES turtle before but nothing serious like a dog. Since I don’t have much experience raising/caring for animals, would it be unrealistic for me to try to become a vet? Of course, it’s definitely better to have experience dealing with animals but, regarding academics or internships (and etc.), would it be more difficult for me without the experience? Excluding volunteer work.

  16. Pyae Sone Khaing

    hello guy how about the jobs opportunity after that school and how about our carrier what can we do. Are there lots of jobs opportunity in later after we graduate. what are they mainly do and how about the college duration.

  17. Arvind TNathan

    Hey there, I am currently in my 2nd year of Computer Science degree. I realized that I have made a mistake and now want to pursue Veterinary. What advice would you give me? Are there any subjects or exams that I have to undertake in order to be accepted entry into a Veterinary undergrad degree?

    Thanks in advance.

  18. BC The Mutt

    How many years total do you go to college for to be a veterinarian? 4? 8?

  19. shuvo kumar

    I am going through an undergraduate programme in Bangladesh ..wanna do post graduation in can I do that ..?

  20. Pigs n' Buns

    do you have to go to vet school to walk the dogs and clean after them?


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