Louisiana Veterinarian Kills Dog For Barking Too Much.

Louisiana Veterinarian Kills Dog For Barking Too Much.

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  1. Know The Ledge Show

    It’s one thing to “complain about someone’s barking dog,” but for a veterinarian to shoot it “is way over the top,”. I mean what do you expect a dog to do “BARK” right. How can she be a animal doctor and she cold blooded kill this dog for no reason.🤔

  2. Parrots,Dogs, and Texas

    This really touches my heart. I have had a terminal. Illness so I am unable to work and I got a few small dogs. The smaller the more they bark and in that time I couldn’t even see a bad or good day you can give a dog a xanax even a bird but this piece of craps goes to work while some people would love to respect these humans and then you got this one a devil because however you can do an act like this,was this for real. It must be the end of times, trae

  3. jaylove5555

    People who believe dogs are the same has humas suffer from mental illness. If she killed the dog she owes the owner the pricer of the dog. We got real problems poeple. If she whould have shot a black man she would have gotten the key to city.

  4. Caitlin Burks

    My dog looks exactly like that one. Except the fact that my dog has blue eyes and little brown spots. It’s crazy I’m in the South also thought.

  5. Ramona Johnson

    I hope they snatch her license so fast she don’t even see it down I hope they lock her up put her ass in a dog kennel

  6. Rika TheSinger

    What a Savage piece of garbage.

  7. Anthony litt

    People beat their dogs too it’s weird like tf get a life


    😂 my nigga said “her ass had to go clock out it was over with 😂😂😂😂

  9. Patricia Nicholson

    Hopefully they will take her veterinarian license so she will never work around animals again😡😡😡😡😡

  10. G Kab

    I love my 3 dogs so much that I don’t eat Chinese food. Not that they serve dogs, but just because they are known to eat dogs.

  11. Waldo Wayne

    smh whats wrong with her? she must had have personal issues to just aim a barrel to a defenseless animal 😠😫

  12. tedmaster82

    This woman is crazy. Makes no sense. I have a dog and I wish someone would do something to him!! I would be in jail with you!

  13. mizfrenchtwist

    that woman was wrong for killing that animal……….however , I don’t care how many pets a neighbor has , I don’t want to hear them . was the dog outside barking at night………..or early in the morning…………she had every right , not to be subjected to the noise , if that were the case. but no matter what , she should not have shot the animal . if she was having problems with the owners , maybe , they intentionally put him out , just to bug her….and the dog ended up paying for it . veterinarians , can swing funny……… I remember in boston , a veterinarian , was on the golf course and clubbed a Canadian goose to death , because the bird interfered with his shot…………….well , he got his arse handed to him………think he sold his home and left town……………………..

  14. mizfrenchtwist

    here’s a story ………. people don’t play when it comes to their pets . I know of a guy who had a roommate , who hated and mistreated his dog . well, one Friday he had had enough , he went home and the roommies had it out………..the dog owner ended up , body slamming the other guy and took the dog , and they were gone all weekend . when he finally came back to his apartment , his roommate was still there , in the same spot on the floor, where he had slammed him……………………the guy ( that I knew  ) never recovered , he ended up a paraplegic for the rest of his life……….bad business , messing with other peoples pets……………..

  15. Mimimrket 83

    This nutty bitch….I hope they put her ass under the jail!

  16. xeedoll B

    I’m crazy bout my dogs too!!! They keep me sane. Love them so much

  17. Set You

    This lady was wrongfully accused. She never shot the dog. The owner of the dog put it on th that this women shot her dog that was never shot to begin with. The Police arrived an shot the dog themselves. Put drugs. That women is innocent. Go read the new article on how they framing her from they mistake.

  18. Pnscar Doe

    Nothing like a good ole movie like old yeller

  19. Eagle Eyes

    Evil tactics are more relevant today. I wonder how come🕵🏽look all around we are at war with Satan demons.

  20. blahblahblah mememe

    I hate when ppl stereotype dogs especially when most likely they getting all they info from the media not their own research. Pitbulls are not born agressive. All dogs are capeable of being aggressive the same way all humans are capeable of being theives yet we stereotype and make it out to be only black people steal. And yes I did real research on pitbulls as I do believe ppl stereotype the breed. Cesar Millan did his work to prove that it is not the breed that is the issue but the human behind it yet ppl still say ignorant things and make it a breed case.

  21. JT Rell

    But no one will talk about how these dogs are still valued more than a black person in America. That’s a shame. If she had killed a little black kid walking across her yard, simply innocently cutting through, her ass wouldn’t be in jail right now. She’d still have her job as well. Sucks that this standard exists in america where pets are valued higher than black people.


    Terrible. Animal abuse is so bad. I rescued my dog Aurora from an abuser. Now she has her own show on youtube. Happy ending. https://youtu.be/xVUnvu1bJ7Q

  23. zoe lifecoach

    I am crying laughing….and going to talk to someone to get you your own show on tv😂

  24. Gennie Jefferson

    If dog is barking while you’re trying to sleep is irritating but would never shoot one.

  25. Gennie Jefferson

    I have neighbors who don keep their dog tied up. Always coming in others yards pooping. This would make someone angry.


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