Veterinarian Demonstrates How To Put A Walkin’ Wheels Dog Wheelchair On A Dog

Veterinarian Demonstrates How To Put A Walkin’ Wheels Dog Wheelchair On A Dog

Watch Dr. James StClaire, DVM and animal rehabilitation specialist as he demonstrates to put on and use the Waslin’ Wheels dog wheelchair for handicapped pets. This cart is fully adjustable, folds flat, and is available overnight. For more information, please visit:


  1. AdelinaSaves

    @HandicappedPets My dog also had a wheelchair. He actually started running away with it the first time he had it on. Nice instruction video. I bet this helps a lot of people.

  2. nonamex

    Try putting a spherical wheel instead of normal ones, it will allow for friction- free move. It is very easy to make one if a sphere mounted underneath its hemispherical middle line,more if good design used it will be open to rotate at its two end poles

  3. elladatomegaleiosou

    I have a Canadian shepherd. She had arthritis problems since she was 12. I started giving her glucosamine/ chondroitin supplement and light exercise. She is now 15 and can’t move her back legs. She can’t go pee. She doesn’t eat dogfood anymore, but I make her steak or chicken everyday. Two vets have told me that I should think putting her down , but that’s not going happen. I just found out about dog wheelchairs. The thing is that Ellie can’t even seat like the dog in the video is sitting, and

  4. elladatomegaleiosou

    .. when I try to pick her up like you did in the video she always tries to bite.
    Would you recommend a wheelchair? And please don’t tell me to ask my vet , because I did.

  5. drifter848

    can I trade stuff for a cart for my dog hes 100 pounds cane corso I tried building one but cant get it right ill trade anything you want for a cart I have gamees dvd cds tools etc im desperate or maybe one I could build I have severe learning disability but if theres pictures I could get help I don’t care how it looks I just want my dog to be able to go potty any help aprecated

  6. raceforpride

    Thank You for the post, it was very helpful.  You were right to think this would be hard for someone not familiar . We had no clue how to put these things on. Great Job

  7. Monica Zumbrunn

    On her first excursion you neglected to notice where her tail was? You have a good product but I question the empathy on a more detailed level.

  8. Monica Zumbrunn

    You are trying to help. Thanks for this.

  9. SuperRip7

    That dog has since past away.

  10. Amanda Husztik

    we just got a my little girl her set of wheels, she has a shattered disc in her lower back, hence unable to use her back legs. We have just put her wheels on and she straight away was off on her own, got it straight away. I am so happy to see her moving, she has not been able to for the last 4-5 weeks. I can’t believe my vet did not recommend mobility aids, I found out by doing research about her condition.

  11. Amanda Husztik

    and thank you for this tutorial video, very helpful!

  12. Sheik Dawg

    How do they use the restroom?

  13. Nichole Nakashima

    can these work for a dog with only 1 front leg with hip problems in rear legs? i have a 3 legged American Eskimo, he is 16 yrs old. healthy. just arthritis os getting bad.

  14. Daniel Corbett

    Once they are accustomed to the cart, how long should they be allowed to stay in it? Minutes? Hours? Obviously, this isn’t a 24/7 situation. How long between cart sessions? I would worry about circulatory issues with legs just dangling straight down. Not sure their systems work like humans, but the calves are booster bumps for the heart, as I understand it, in humans.

  15. Vissie Haasbroek

    can this work for other animals

  16. au0rey

    My 14yo golden retriever has hip dyplasia and so his joints on both hips are having arthritis. Definitely can’t bend back like Sunny can. Also the vet says he’s having nerve dysfunction, so right now he poos without even knowing, his tail goes between his legs when it’s really bad and his hind legs can part at times. He’s still walking around in the house and loves his walks (short ones). Do you think it’ worth getting a wheelchair for him at all?

  17. caroline islands

    I just got my pug a nice wheelie cart (he has rear ataxia) but he won’t use it. He just lays down in the front and won’t even try. I tried lifting the front and sort of pulling him a long and he takes steps but then when I take it off of him he lays down and won’t try to walk at all. It’s like he hates it or it makes him afraid to try to walk even without it. I don’t know what to do!

  18. cindy renollet

    My husband is making a wheelchair for a 94 pound boxer what do you use in the back to keep him up


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