Veterinarian Salary

Veterinarian Salary

Veterinarian Salary information. The average veterinarian salary is per hour. A range of wages is from approximately ,000 to over 0,000 per year. Veterinarians care for animals and treat injuries and illness. They treat household pets, large animals and even zoo animals. If you would like more information about Veterinarians see our job description at


  1. Mike W

    I want to be a vet but…. I am alergic to cats can I like start a dog vet thing

  2. Maria Kuljanic

    CONFLICT OF INTEREST exists between the vet industry and pet food industry. Ask you vet why he doesn’t study CARNIVORE NUTRITION but only learns about PET FOOD NUTRITION?

  3. Lilcrazymonster

    “Cause that what veterinarians do.”
    Me: NAH i thought they fly into space!!!! (Sarcasm)
    30secs ltr
    Me:zzzzzzzzzzz (dead sleep)

  4. Brianah Flores

    im becoming a vet heheheh and muhahahha


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