What Veterinarians Know That Physicians Don’t

What Veterinarians Know That Physicians Don’t

What veterinarians know that physicians don’t
At TEDMED, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz (Professor of Medicine in the Division of Cardiology at UCLA Medical School) offers an unusual perspective on how human patients, including those suffering from mental illnesses, can be helped by applying insights from animal health.


  1. Gabee Moon

    how ’bout you start by not distinguishing humans from “animals”. Humans are animals, we’re chordates, we’re primates, we’re hominidae, as are chimpanzees. We’re homo just like the species that we evolved from. Humans aren’t special or above anything. It’s hard to hear a scientist speak as if they weren’t aware of this.

  2. Lovy

    why are TEDMED intros so dramitic?

  3. Roy Winkler

    Barbara Natterson-Horowitz is an exceptional human being. Strong insight. Low self-centeredness.

  4. Twoee It

    I thought it said vegetarian

  5. ProdigiousHdawg

    This is totally not on the same level as what she’s saying, but it’s along the same lines of thinking: when I was a kid, my stomach would often feel upset at night, and I’d read that wolf mothers sometimes lick their pups in a downward direction to help them keep their food down, so I’d often rub my own stomach in a downward direction to try and soothe it and make sure my own food stayed down…and it did work. 🙂

  6. John Clewis

    Humans are above animals.

  7. Raja H

    Idk why I read that “vegetarian.” Was like oh Jesus it’s going to be one of “those” talks

  8. Willowdove

    Kinda disappointed she didn’t go into any detail. How DO you treat a self-harming stallion?

  9. Bob Cloninger

    Several years ago, watching a vet care for our sick cocker spaniel, I realized they practiced a much more effective form of medicine than MDs. This still puzzles me.

  10. Viran Victus

    What do vets know? How to rip people off and overcharge for services. Which is precisely why vets are making it harder and harder to get vet care.

  11. Craig Dutterer

    I am a nurse and I trust very few doctors.

  12. Nick Comeaux


  13. willie uadiski

    Lovely talk!! But watch it at 1.5 times speed. Waiting for her to get a sentence out distracted from her point.

  14. petmom ful

    Well what the hell did she think vets were doing, playing with playdoh? I am a reg. veterinary technician, which is a reg. vet nurse. I had to go to college and take boards just like human nurses. But the pay is terrible, you cannot support yourself on it. Just today I had a “human nurse” at a hospital, where I had to have a procedure done, act surprised that I knew what to ask, and I knew what she was talking about. She said, “Look at you, knowing about this!” She knew my occupation, but seemed to think we just played with animals. I told her, in a nice way, that I had to go to college just like she did. I feel that it is time vets and vet nurses get the respect and pay they deserve. We have to know many species, not just one. I have also noticed that as I get older, I am 62 now, I am looked upon as a “little old lady,” who knows nothing. It is insulting and demeaning, and I am done ranting now. Have a good day!

  15. Chris Boz

    One world One health!

    Also with animals they are called clinical signs not symptoms 😛 hehe

  16. RA RAM

    If these animals are getting diabetes and heart palpitations, then I’m far more concerned about HOW they are living in captivity and WHAT they’re eating. It’s not normal for these animals to get these issues… diabetes?? polycystic ovarian syndrome in a cow???

    So are they getting just getting crappy (human made!) pet food with grains in them??? Because all grains do is higher insulin levels and if these animals are not getting a proper amount of protein/animal fat, THEN OF COURSE their bodies will deteriorate and cause: depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart failure, etc which are symptoms of the physical body to cope. They are all symptoms rooted and caused by increased insulin/ insulin resistance /metabolic syndrome in the body.

    I didn’t learn much here from this Tedtalk tbh. All she was trying to say is that human doctors have created a wide gap between them and vets because some are narcissistic and think they are a higher species regardless of humans also being mammals. Also saying that mammals get similar ailments as us… well no shit. We know the pet food made of grains and veggies created by the pet foods industries are poison to our dogs and cats. Neither species should be eating either, but humans can be blind, callous, and narcissistic and ignorant about their animal’s health. When all these pets need are their original food: other meat/animals to eat to be healthy.

  17. keldra alpine


  18. Darrin Funk

    Another video I watched talked about how many veterinarians sell medications for animals that are identical to human medications but they charge up to 300% more for them, preying on the human’s emotional attachment to their animals. It seems veterinarians do know more than doctors about how to exploit humans financially.

  19. Oliver Allen

    I look forward to this. Thank you for sharing.

  20. Miss Mir

    sad. alot of knowledge is lost simply because people don’t want to think we have anything emotionally to do with animals. as if we are so far evolved we can learn nothing from them.. so wrong.

  21. Sammy

    How come the animals at the zoo need to be treated for depression and self-harm? Sounds a bit damning.

  22. Bianca Hotca

    She wrote her master’s thesis on Darwinian stupidity…she meant to say.

  23. G S

    Carefully delivered beautiful words of intelligence. Thank you.

  24. Maria Vlahon-Allen

    I broke out in tears! wonderful video. Nice to see some human physicians are seeing the light and closing the gap. Well done!


    as someone who worked as a vet assistant for 7 years, then studied animals in a lab to understand neuropsychiatric disorders, and also studied animal behavior, and now I study lung cancer, this talk was fascinating.

  26. Kelley Perine

    I cant help but feel this is a sneaky way to get acceptance of experimenting on animals. Join the ranks, then sabatoge.

  27. Animalier

    I have often wondered why they did not have a thing like this Zoobiquity. It’s a good idea. I would actually trust a veterinarian more than a medical doctor.

  28. foremount

    How dare you compare me to a monkey?! I was created in His image. I ain’t seen no monkey-man walking around, do you?

    edit: sarcasm for those who don’t get it.

  29. raffaella paci

    These animals should live in the wild, in the first place. NOT IN CAGES.

  30. Ward Jenny

    seriously? her big revelation is that Veterinary Doctors are doctors and should be seen as such? gee thanks for the nod Miss Big Physician. it’s not like vets study just as much as you have. except we have and this talk is so condescending.

  31. Alan Givré

    I’m kind of unconfortable of the idea of injecting oxytocin to the mother for her to care more about their children…

  32. Anna Mae Alexander

    Trich is not self harm. Good job looking ignorant.


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